Gesture Morpher

Simplifying Gesture Design

Designing applications with gesture-based interactions is a routine task for designers. However, prototyping multitouch gesture behavior within applications is considerably time-intensive and requires programming expertise that designers often don't have.
Gesture Morpher simplifies the process of prototyping multi-touch interactions for designers, as follows.
Gesture Morpher simplifies the process of prototyping multi-touch interactions for designers. The solution works as follows.
How Gesture Morpher Works
Designers often create videos such as these to illustrate the transformations that occur on an interface. Gesture Morpher uses these videos as an input and identifies the gesture interactions that appropriately map to the transformations.
Gesture Morpher automatically extracts the transformations from the video and analyzes the key behaviors occuring within the frames. For each detected behavior, it presents a list of gestures that are suitable to achieve the effect.
Designers can pick any gesture from the presented gestures and test them directly on a device. The visual response of the gesture on the interface is automatically synthesized from the input video.


Gesture Morpher: Video-based Retargeting of Multi-touch Interactions
Ramik Sadana and Yang Li
MobileHCI’16, Florence, Italy, Sep. 2016