OnSet is a visualization technique that excels at visualizing large-scale binary set data.
To understand OnSet, let me walk you through an example.
The Data
Sets that are made up of the same underlying elements, eg. two proteins described through their amino acid compositions.
Present or Absent
Some elements might be present in one set while absent in the other.
Visual Presentation
Let's take all the elements in the list and present them as squares.
Hide Labels
We now remove the labels. The squares, thus, represent the elements in the set.
Position Squares
By positioning the square in a rectangular structure, we have a compact representation of a set.
Higher Cardinality?
The representation conveniently scales if the number of elements in the sets is larger.
The Representation of a Set
We now have a representation that visualizes a set through the elements that it contains and does not contain.
Intersection of Sets
By overlaying the two sets, we can view the elements that are present in both the sets.
Union of Sets
We can configure the representation to show the union of the sets. Opacity represents the frequency of occurence of the elements.
Try Onset
OnSet is available on the web
OnSet: A Visualization Technique for Large-scale Binary Set Data
Ramik Sadana, Timothy Major, Alistair Dove and John Stasko
VIS’14, Paris, France, Nov. 2014